
Sermon on the Mount: Before and After the Golden Rule

In Matthew 7:12 Jesus speaks what is often referred to as “The Golden Rule”, “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” The most commonly quoted version of this statement is from Luke’s gospel “Do unto others as you would have them...


Mark 8:27-38 “Following”

This past Sunday we had the opportunity to worship with High Street Worship Center in Burlington. Below is the introduction and a link to the sermon from that service: A few weeks ago I was at a conference where the speaker began his message by briefly sharing his testimony of surrendering to Jesus. While he...


Book of Mark Study, Wednesday, October 1st 7:00 PM

In addition to studying the Sermon on the Mount on Sundays, we are studying the book of Mark at Wednesday night Bible study. The plan is to study Jesus’s teaching about the Kingdom of God and Jesus’s life that lived out the Kingdom at the same time. In this way we believe that we will...


Being Seated In Order To Stand Before Our Enemy

This week our prayer pastor, Geannine Lebude spoke from Ephesians 6: Today I want to look at how we are called to stand, through trial, accusation, disease, and even death. But in order to stand we must first understand where we are positioned in Christ and how to allow ourselves to be transformed by the...


Mark Bible Study: Mark 8:31-33 “Rebuked”

Our last study closed with Peter’s confession, “You are the Christ”. All of the book of Mark had built to that moment, everything that Mark wrote, the way that He described Jesus’ words and works was all to bring us to the moment where we recognize that He is indeed the Messiah. From the moment...


Latest Burlington House of Prayer Worship Night Recording

The lastest recording of our Burlington House of Prayer worship time recording has been added to the website. We gather on the second Friday and fourth Sunday of each month for worship and prayer. We believe that we have a mandate from God to “establish His presence in and from Burlington City until Jesus returns”....


Combined Worship at High Street Worship Center, Sunday, September 28th 10:30

We have been invited to join High Street Worship Center (formerly First Christian Assembly) for their morning worship service on Sunday, September 28th. We will not be having service at 945 Bordentown Road that week but will join together with High Street Worship Center for worship, the Word and fellowship. The service begins at 10:30...


Sermon on the Mount: “What are we praying for?”

Over the last two weeks we have asked and attempted to answer two questions about prayer from this passage of the Sermon on the Mount. We asked “Why do we pray?” and found that we pray because it is a command, Jesus told us to pray; we pray because it is an invitation, the Father...