
Sermon on the Mount Series Conclusion Sunday, December 28th

After two years of studying and applying the Sermon on the Mount to our hearts and lives on verse, sometimes one word at a time we will be concluding this series on Sunday, December 28th in our 10:00 gathering. This series has been life changing in many ways, it has shown us how much God...


Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:24-27 “The Fall”

Today we will take one final look at Jesus’ parable of the wise and the foolish builder. Through this story Jesus has shown us His definition of wisdom and foolishness, that the only thing that separates the wise from the fools is obedience to His teaching. He has taught us that endurance is found in...


Book of Mark Study, Wednesday, January 7th, 7:00PM

In addition to studying the Sermon on the Mount on Sundays, we are studying the book of Mark at Wednesday night Bible study. The plan is to study Jesus’s teaching about the Kingdom of God and Jesus’s life that lived out the Kingdom at the same time. In this way we believe that we will...


Burlington House of Prayer, January 25th 6:00 PM

The next Burlington House of Prayer gathering will be on Sunday January 25th at 6:00PM. The hosts will be Steve and Joan Beamer. Thanks to everyone that has hosted in 2014, if you would be willing to host a gathering in 2015 0r if you would like directions to the Beamer’s please email [email protected]


Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:24-27 “Dig Deep”

Jesus closed the Sermon on the Mount with a parable to teach the importance of obedience. Last week we learned that the difference between wisdom and foolishness is not hearing Jesus’ teaching, it is doing what Jesus has taught. Wisdom begins with being “poor in spirit”, recognizing the need to be taught, to listen, to...


Mark Bible Study: Mark 9:30-37 “Who is the Greatest?”

In tonight’s passage we get to see the continued revelation of Jesus’ humility as the Messiah and the difficulty that the disciples had in letting go of their view of what the Messiah would accomplish and how He would accomplish it. At the same time that we see the humility of Jesus we get a...


Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:24-27 “Wisdom vs. Foolishness”

The Bible has a lot to say about wisdom. Men like Moses and Joshua are extolled for their wisdom, for having God’s mind and walking in God’s ways. The wisdom of God is celebrated greatly in the Psalms, Job refers to wisdom often, the book of Proverbs is almost completely a statement on what wisdom...


Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:21-23 “Lawlessness”

Last week we discussed Jesus’ announcement that not everyone that calls Him Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, Jesus said that those who enter the kingdom of heaven are those who do the will of His Father. For some people this statement is a battle because we stand firmly on Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by...