Today we look, yet again, at how we value God’s Word and how God desires for His Word to function in our lives. We read for relationship, we read to abide in that relationship and we read to respond within that relationship through obedience. Obedience is more than doing what we are told, obedience is...
Author: City of Refuge
Mark Bible Study Changed to a Call to Prayer for Purim, Wednesday, March 4th, 7:00 PM
Tonight’s book of Mark Bible Study has been changed to a time of prayer and a remembrance of the biblical celebration of Purim. Please read below and feel free to join us at 7:00 PM. A Purim Call to Prayer for Israel Today marks the beginning of the biblical Jewish celebration of Purim. Purim is...
Deuteronomy 3:23 “We Read to Respond Part 2: Obedience in Encouragement”
Today we will continue discussing how we value God’s Word and how God desires for His Word to function in our lives. God’s Word is how He chooses to reveal His heart, His character and His love; it is how He has chosen for us to come to know Him, trust Him and follow Him....
Blog: “A Lenten Awakening”
After a five month layoff my wife started a new job this week. Being laid off from a job she loved, in a community she enjoyed with people that had become like family was difficult, but God, in His infinite generosity prepared her and strengthened her through the process and the details. The five months...
Youth Group Movie Night, Saturday, February 28th, 6:00
Our Youth Group will be gathering to watch the movie “God’s Not Dead” this Saturday night at 6:00. All young people from 7th to 12th grade are invited. If you would like more information please email [email protected]
Mark Bible Study: Mark 10:1-12 “The Origins of and Grace For Marriage and Divorce”
Tonight we will move into Mark 10, a chapter that shows Jesus moving toward Jerusalem, to the fulfillment of His earthly purpose in death and resurrection and His final preparation of His followers to take up their cross and to follow Him. In tonight’s passage Jesus is tested by those looking to find fault in...
Today’s Service, February 15th, has been Canceled
Due to the extreme cold, high winds and the street not being cleared to allow for parking today’s service has been canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience and the late notice.
Mark Bible Study: Mark 9:38-50 “Divisions, Offenses and Hell”
Unfortunately the audio is not available from last week’s Mark Bible Study. Below you will find the introduction. If you would like a copy of the full notes from this week’s study please email [email protected] to receive the notes in a Word document. The last time we were together we saw Jesus dealing with the...
Deuteronomy 6:6-9 “We Read to Respond: Obedience in Coversation”
Over the last month we have been talking about the value and function of God’s Word. We have seen that we read the Scriptures for relationship, God’s Word is not about us it is for us, that the Bible is how God has chosen to reveal His character, His heart and His ways to His...
Mark Bible Study, Wednesday, February 18th, 7:00 PM
After a lenghty absence due to weather and schedule changes our book of Mark Bible Study will resume this Wednesday night, February 18th at 7:00 PM. We will be picking up at Mark 10:1-12 and studying Jesus’ teaching on marriage and divorce which actually goes much deeper than that, He teaches us about the condition...