The resurrection of Jesus is something that most of us know about and all of us in this room have heard about. We know the story and all of its details, for the most part we know its theological implications and its eternal outcome. Preaching on Easter is sometimes difficult because the resurrection of Jesus...
Author: City of Refuge
Mark Bible Study: Mark 10:17-22 “An Example in the Difficulty of Childlike Faith”
Our last time together we studied Jesus’ statement to the disciples “whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” It’s a statement that we hear often but I’m not sure we have contemplated enough. When Jesus made this statement He was “greatly displeased”, the literal...
Mark Bible Study, Wednesday, April 1st, 7:00
Our book of Mark Bible Study will continue Wednesday night, April 1st at 7:00 PM. We will be picking up at Mark 10:17-22 and studying Jesus’ interaction with the “rich young ruler” and how this reveals what it means to “receive the kingdom of God as a little child”. The Bible study is held at...
Luke 19:28-44 & Psalm 118 “The Song of the Triumphal Entry”
Today is Palm Sunday, the day that we as the church traditionally celebrate Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, beginning the last week of His life before going to the cross and rising from the dead. All four of the gospels tell the story although some of the details vary from one account to the next. They...
Church Fellowship Dinner and Communion, Sunday, March 29th, 1:00
This coming Sunday, March 29th, we will be having a church fellowship dinner after the morning service, at 1:00 at Brett and Melissa Lonie’s home. We will be taking communion together prior to having lunch, all are welcome to attend. If you have questions, need directions or would like to would like to join us...
Mark Bible Study: Mark 10:13-17 “Moving from Old Beliefs to Childlike Faith”
Jesus’ teaching about marriage, divorce and God’s grace in response to the condition of our hearts is immediately followed by another rebuke of the disciples for not understanding of His leadership, a lesson on the true requirement of faith and then a sad revelation of how easily our hearts can become dependent upon lesser loves....
Blog: God’s Details or My Destiny?
Wednesday night marked the Jewish celebration of Purim, two days to remember and celebrate the deliverance of the Jews from the hands of the Persian Viceroy Haman as detailed in the book of Esther. A small group from our church gathered to remember Purim and to pray for the protection and peace of Israel. Part...
A Conversation Around the Word, Sunday, March 22nd
This coming Sunday, March 22nd, in our 10:00 service we will be doing something we have not done before, we will be gathering together to hae a conversation focused on the Scriptures. This week we are all reading Isaiah 52:13-15 and Isaiah 53 together. We are being encouraged to read the passage each day, to...
Deuteronomy 29:29 We Read to Respond Part 4: Devotion to Obedience
Since the new year began we have been discussing how we value God’s Word and how God desires for His Word to function in our lives. We have seen that we read the Bible to build a relationship with God, that His Word is His revelation of His character, His heart, His ways and His...
Mark Bible Study, Wednesday, March 18th, 7:00 PM
Our book of Mark Bible Study will resume next Wednesday night, March 18th at 7:00 PM. We will be picking up at Mark 10:13-17 and studying Jesus’ teaching about childlike faith, the kingdom of God and our introduction to “the rich young ruler”. The Bible study is held at the Kulynych’s home at 945 Bordentown...