For the next few weeks I want to talk about the story of a man named Mephibosheth, a man born into royalty, thrust into disability, hidden in fear and shame all the while never knowing that his Father had provided for his redemption before he was even born. Mephibosheth’s story is dramatic, it is filled...
Author: City of Refuge
Acts 9:10-19 “Fear and the Refugee Crisis”
Today I want to take a little bit of a break from our conversations about the Person, Purposes and Plans of the Holy Spirit and I want to talk to you about one of my biblical heroes and by doing so I hope that I can use his example to address our current cultural climate....
Burlington House of Prayer, Sunday, November 22nd, 6:00
Our next Burlington House of Prayer gathering will be Sunday, November 22nd at 6:00 PM. This month our gathering will be at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Rd. in Burlington. If you have any questions please feel free to email [email protected]
Book of Mark Bible Study, Wednesday, November 18th, 7:00
Our next book of Mark Bible Study will be Wednesday, November 18th at 7:00 PM. We will be picking up at Mark 13:24-37, Jesus’ prophesy of the destruction of the temple and His teaching about the signs of when these things would be fulfilled. Mark 13 is filled with prophetic signs and teaching, we will...
Acts 1:4-5 The Person, Purposes and Plans of the Holy Spirit “Baptized”
When John the Baptist, filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb, came as the forerunner of the Messiah, preaching and baptizing unto repentance he promised that the One who came after him would “baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire”. Today I want to try to tackle the question, “what does...
Concert of Prayer, Wednesday, November 11th, First Baptist Church, Burlington
On Wednesday, November 11th Abie will be leading a joined concert of prayer with the congregation of First Baptist Church on Broad and Stacy Streets in Burlington Our first concert of prayer in October was a wonderful beginning of learning that as different congregations with different backgrounds and traditions we can pray together by the leading of...
Luke 7:18-35 The Person, Purposes and Plans of the Holy Spirit “When the Spirit Leads Us To Questions”
It would not be a true account of John the Baptist’s life if we did not take the time to talk about his last interaction with Jesus. Last week we saw John as the great baptizer, “the voice calling in the wilderness: ‘make straight the way of the LORD”, filled with the Holy Spirit from...
Mark Bible Study: Mark 13:9-23 “Discerning the Prophetic part 2”
Tonight we will continue our journey through Mark 13, Jesus’ longest discourse of Mark’s gospel. This chapter, while being completely prophetic, can only be properly interpreted if we remember that it is not a sermon, it is not a lesson, it is not even a declaration, this is Jesus’ conversation with four of His apostles...
John 3:27-30 The Person, Purposes and Plans of the Holy Spirit: “Filled for Friendship”
Over the past few weeks we have been talking about the first family in the New Testament that was filled with the Holy Spirit: John the Baptist and his mother and father, Elizabeth and Zacharias. What we have seen is that since the Holy Spirit is a person He desires to live in relationship with...
Prayer Meeting, Monday, November 9th, 7:00 PM
On Monday, September 25th we will be hosting a time to pray with and for each other. This will be prayer time that is simply a time to bring our needs and concerns and to pray with and for each other however the Holy Spirit will lead. The plan is to gather from 7:00-8:00, to...