Deuteronomy 8:3 tells us “man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD.”

In an effort to grow in the our love for the Word of God and in unity with one another, City of Refuge Fellowship is beginning a 30 day reading plan together. Starting on Monday, February 1st, we will read through the Gospels ( Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) together.

To find the reading plan please go to

Once on the website you will need to register your email address and then click “start this plan”. Once you have signed up you will receive a new reading for each day through March 2nd.

My prayer is that we will hear God’s voice, through His Word, together. I pray that we will gather together and enjoy the lessons of Christ, learn from the experiences of the disciples and grow together by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Please join us in this month long journey and may we fall fully in love with the Word of God, together.